Daintree Camera Traps – 2024

DAINTREE RAINFOREST CAMERA TRAPS - 2024 As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2024 accrued 742-cassowary sightings, 460-dingoes and 4,084-feral-pigs.  In terms of cumulative monthly averages, cassowary numbers decreased by 8% to 100 per-month, dingo numbers remained the same at 40 per-month and feral-pigs increased by 24% to 193 sightings per month.  In comparison with 2023, cassowary numbers plummeted

Daintree Camera Traps – 20242025-02-04T18:39:25+10:00


2023-24 ANNUAL REPORT The most tumultuous event of the year was Tropical Cyclone Jasper - the wettest cyclone in Australian history.  Making landfall at Category 2 off the eastern coast of Wujal Wujal on 13th December 2023, Jasper dropped massive rainfall, inflicting an estimated $1-billion damage-bill across North Queensland. In the relentless fight against a universal entropy, life suffered a terrible loss with

2023-24 ANNUAL REPORT2024-11-02T16:23:30+10:00


2023 ANNUAL REPORT Daintree Rainforest Foundation LTD maintains the Daintree Rainforest Fund, to protect, conserve, present, rehabilitate and transmit Wet Tropics World Heritage values to present and future generations, through long-term dedicated inhabitancy, research and presentation expertise. Cumulative knowledge of the World Heritage ecosystem and its management are documented and regularly published.  In contrast with the majority of charities campaigning to 'Save the

2023 ANNUAL REPORT2024-02-21T09:38:16+10:00

Camera Traps – 2023

CAMERA TRAPS - 2023 Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2023 accrued 1,696-cassowary sightings, 992-dingoes and 3,562-feral-pigs.  In terms of cumulative monthly averages, cassowary numbers increased by 29% to 109, dingo numbers grew by 105% to 40 and feral-pigs also increased by 90% to 156 sightings per month.  In comparison with 2022,

Camera Traps – 20232024-01-14T13:19:28+10:00

Camera Traps – 2022

CAMERA TRAPS - 2022 Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2022 accrued 1568-cassowary sightings, 212-dingoes and 928-feral-pigs.  In terms of cumulative monthly averages, cassowary numbers increased by 15% to 96, dingoes decreased by 14% to 26 and feral-pigs also fell by 13% to 109.  In comparison with 2021, cassowary numbers increased by

Camera Traps – 20222023-02-21T21:39:47+10:00


2022 ANNUAL REPORT From the seemingly endless troupe of environmental campaigners marching to the beat of ‘Save the Daintree Rainforest’, one of the Foundation’s most important points of difference is that constitutionally it must perform its functions in a way that is consistent with the protection of inhabitant people.  People are not only constituent parts of the legislated definition of ‘environment’, but they

2022 ANNUAL REPORT2023-02-12T13:13:34+10:00

Camera Traps – 2021

CAMERA TRAPS - 2021 Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2021 accrued 1210-cassowary sightings, 225-dingoes and 1,543-feral-pigs.  In comparison with 2020, cassowary numbers increased by 55%, dingoes decreased by 44% and feral-pig sightings rose by a mere 6%.  The significant increase in cassowary numbers is primarily due to the far greater number

Camera Traps – 20212022-01-19T18:46:21+10:00


2021 ANNUAL REPORT Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2021 accrued 1210-cassowary sightings, 225-dingoes and 1,543-feral-pigs.  In comparison with 2020, cassowary numbers increased by 55%, dingoes decreased by 44% and feral-pig sightings rose by a mere 6%.  The significant increase in cassowary numbers is primarily due to the far greater number of

2021 ANNUAL REPORT2022-01-19T06:29:19+10:00


2020 ANNUAL REPORT Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project As a part of its long-term Daintree Rainforest Camera Trap Project, 2020 will always be the year that the Foundation first published images of the very rare Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo - Dendrolagus bennettianus (De Vis, 1887) in natural habitat. Each fortnight, 12 camera traps were cleared of data, which was then transferred onto computer, logged,

2020 ANNUAL REPORT2021-02-21T12:42:27+10:00


2018 ANNUAL REPORT The major news for this year, is the publication of A Stray Liana by DAINTREE RAINFOREST FOUNDATION LTD Chairperson, Neil Hewett.  Published by Daintree Rainforest P/L in May 2019, this high-quality coffee-table publication chronicles an odyssey spanning more than thirty-years, through some of Australia’s most remote and traditional Indigenous homelands and into the heart of the world’s oldest rainforest,

2019 ANNUAL REPORT2020-02-10T08:42:24+10:00
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